What’s New?
Flat Asset Identification Tool
TopoDOT V11.5 features an assortment of new and exciting features. You will see a dramatic increase in performance when using our new “Flat Asset Identification” tool. With this tool you can quickly extract paint markings that are within an identifiable intensity range on the data. Extraction of these features requires just 3 simple clicks and the tool will automatically determine the proper cell to plot. See it in action here.
Volume Calculation Tool
Another addition to this release is the “Volume Calculation” tool. With this tool, you can create a cut/fill report and generate a surface of the data by creating a boundary around the area you wish to calculate. The tool can be utilized in many different applications such as stock pile, railroad track ballast, and road ditch cut and fill volumes. See a video of this tool here.
Template Enhancements
This release also includes enhancements to the break-line template creation process by adding new options to improve edge identification and avoid false positives. With the new draping option, you can now add a template point that automatically drapes to the data after the fitting process. This results in much tighter break-lines for applications such as the flow line or edge of pavement. Additionally, you can add template voids in areas where there should not be data to improve upon the edge identification process. Also, this version includes a template tester to verify your template before converting it into a cell. This allows you to quickly see how well your template will fit before you start extraction. Register here for the webinar on break-line template creation that will include all these new enhancements. *Note that this is a separate webinar from the release webinar where we will discuss this topic at length.
Dynamic Element Information
Lastly, this release will include “Dynamic Element Information” functionality. With this tool, you can double click on an element to see the start, end, direction, and possible anomalies of the element with easily identifiable color coded icons. This could potentially help in identifying spikes or outliers on extracted line-work.