#1034: Project Data Organization Requirements for Optimized Performance and Cloud Storage

Background Regardless of the platform – tripod laser scanning, mobile LiDAR, airborne LiDAR, or UAV image-based systems – the optimized organization and accessibility of project data contributes directly to its value. The ability to share and locate data efficiently and inexpensively facilitates quickly feeding downstream operations with high value models, Read more…

#1017: Structural Wall Monitoring

TopoDOT™ offers several tools designed specifically for structural monitoring, specifically vertical objects such as buildings or retaining walls.  Recognizing that an effective wall monitoring program requires a field to finish process consistent with the program objectives, this document breaks down the monitoring operation into individual process components along with relevant Read more…

#1021: Establishing Requirements, Extracting Metrics, and Evaluating Quality of LiDAR Data

Abstract This document presents a concise, efficient and intuitive process for establishing LiDAR project data requirements, incorporating them into a request for proposal (RFP) and assessing the data against those requirements. An overview of LiDAR technology and data uncertainty provides insight into the reasoning behind point cloud and calibrated image Read more…